Friday, June 10, 2016

Suggested Travel Items

Essential Travel Apps:
Bible - never leave home without it.
myNoise - to down out the snoring roommates.
GoPro - remote control and viewfinder.
Strava - record all the routes you travel.
RoadID - similar to Strava but can notify others.
Waze - traffic routing.
InstaWeather - document weather conditions where/when you are someplace interesting.  People always ask, "how was the weather?"
InstaPlace - similar to InstaWeather but w/o the weather info.

Don't forget your earbuds for use with the myNoise app when trying to sleep.  Get to sleep fast and stay asleep because o'dark-thirty comes early.

If you bring a lot of electronic, photography, or video gear on your trip then remember these:

DC to AC inverter for use in the car.

TWO power strip w/ enough outlets for:
1. Cellphone charger
2. Camera battery charger
3. GoPro battery charger
4. Smartwatch / Activity band / GPS charger
5. Laptop
6. Small fan - the AC may not be on
7. Roommates cellphone charger

Carry the inverter and a power strip in the vehicle on all trips to charge devices while on the go.

1 power strip stays in car. 1 power strip stays in dorm room.

You will have less time to see things than the others if you are not prepared.  Think ahead and be ready to capture the moments.  Fumbling around for what you need while everyone else is enjoying the scenery isn't what you want to be doing.  Don't be the slow-poke.

Plan your sleeping arrangements:
Position your air mattress where you can have easy access to wall outlet. One person on each side.

Eye mask for blocking out the light from midnight sun and from roommates opening dorm room door and letting in the light

A folding chair next to your air mattress makes a good shelf, clothes hanger, towel drying rack, and of course a place to sit and get dressed.

If you have to get up frequently in the middle of the night, be close to the door.

Use the myNoise app.  It's better than earplugs.  Music works too.

Pack snacks for yourself. You never know. You or a companion might need them before you can get a real meal.